Prepared By:

Lead Author, Integrated Solutions



Approved by & Effective on Date of Signature below:

Yufen Chang Yu, Integrated Solutions











THIS DOCUMENT is to be regarded as the official document control Procedure within integrated solutions. it is to be maintained under change Control by the document control coordinator.











TITLE: Documentation control procedure














































· Original Issue.


  • Unique Identifiers corrected on footers













The Integrated Solutions Documentation Control Procedure governs the control, distribution, and removal of documentation. It applies to both hard copy and electronic forms of documentation.


The purposes of this procedure are to:

· establish a uniform and consistent method for the preparation and handling of documentation.

· promote consistent document management across Integrated Solutions.

· facilitate distribution of released development related documentation.

· provide an accurate historical record and archive of all Integrated Solutions documentation.


· specify who controls documentation.

· identify the location of the controlled copies of documentation.


Refer to Document Control Policy, file name 4001PO.doc.

3.0 definitions

Agent: A person, other than an author or originator, designated as responsible for managing the document through the DC process and securing the necessary concurrence and approvals.


Preparer: The person creating or publishing a document.


Change Control: A coordination and evaluation activity using input provided from various sources on the content, clarity, and accuracy of product or development documentation for which Integrated Solutions is responsible.


Document: Any written or electronically input conveyance of information leading to, required by, impacting upon, or pertaining to a Integrated Solutions development program or activity.


Editorial Changes: Any change that does not add information to, delete information from, or change the meaning or interpretation of the material, maybe considered an editorial change.



Externally Generated Documentation: A category of documentation produced by other companies or individuals outside of Integrated Solutions including but not limited to:



· Customer Documentation

· Engineering Standards

· Corporate Policies (i.e., Operations, Financial, Human Resources)


Form: A document with blanks for the insertion of details or information.


Guide/Manual: A reference or instruction document. All guides and manuals are considered local practices.

Internally Generated Documentation: A Category of documentation produced by Integrated Solutions employees including but not limited to:

· Product Realization Process Documentation

· Quality Documentation

· End User Documentation


Local Practices: A process, procedure, or set of instructions that apply to either a single functional area (i.e. engineering, F&A, etc.) or a single job task or set of tasks (i.e. librarian). Local practices detail the information necessary to complete tasks that are not completed by other functional areas in the organization or tasks that are job specific within a functional area.


Miscellaneous Administrative Information: A category of documentation containing information that must be revision controlled including but not limited to:


· Organizational Charts

· Job Descriptions

· Indexes


Original Issue: The first time a particular document is released.


Preparer: The person authoring or designated by a team of document authors as the focal point of documentation coordination, modification and issue resolution. This is the person who is responsible for managing the document through the review process and securing the necessary concurrence and approvals.


Process: A system of operations that describes the production of something. A process has three main components: inputs, throughputs, and outputs. Inputs describe the initial triggers and/or elements necessary to conduct a series of actions, changes, or functions (throughputs) that bring about an end result (outputs). A process either spans several functional organizations or can be used by more than one functional organization. It is repeatable and measurable; corrective action is used to correct systematic process problems and improve process performance.



Procedure: A set of established steps, methods, or actions that describe how to perform, effect, or conduct an act of business. A procedure either spans several functional organizations or can be used by more than one functional organization. It is repeatable and measurable; corrective action is used to correct procedure problems and improve procedure performance.


Review: The means and process by which documents are evaluated for correctness and General Documentation Guidelines completeness inclusive of the feedback comments, criticisms and recommendations.


Issue: Any substantive change in the contents of an already released document.

4.0 documentation guidelines

4.1 General Requirements

Except as noted elsewhere in this document, all documents created within Integrated Solutions and placed under revision control shall include a Document Cover Page, one or more Change Sheets and a Control Footer on every page following the title page. Depending on its length and intended use the author of the document may include a table of contents, an index or other aids to the reader/user of the document.


Document Cover Page - Each document type has a unique cover page. It serves as a title page. The cover page always includes the title of the document, the uniquely assigned document number for the document, the revision level of the document, the date of creation of the document


Approval Signature Page: Approval signature page is located on the back of the Document Cover Page (see appendix A for approval list) and the signatures for all required approvals. Appropriate signatures are obtained by the "owner" of the document before it is submitted to the document control authority. This can be electronic or hard copy. The reviewer is also to be listed on the signature page.


Change Page - The Change Page or pages immediately follow the Document Cover Page. They serve as a running log of the revisions which have been made to the document over time. The change page includes the document title, the control footer, and a chronological listing of revisions made to the document. Each entry in the list includes:

· Revision level

· Date of revision

· Identification of the section changed

· Description of the change. This includes the reason for the change and the specific changes made.



Control Footer - The footer of each page after the signature page contains the following:

· Document control number

· Appropriate revision number

· Page number

· Date (of most recent document revision)

· The appropriate confidentiality legend


Forms are operating tools for Integrated Solutions. They do not change on a regular basis and therefore are only required to have a unique document number and a revision level. Document Cover Pages, Signature Pages, Change Sheets and footers are not needed for forms.

4.2 Exceptions to General Guidelines

There may be times when a customer (internal or external) will require a modification to the footer on joint documents. The Document Control Coordinator has the authority to grant modifications of the footer.

5.0 Document creation and submission

5.1 Development Document Procedures

All development documents fall into one of the two categories listed:


5.1.1 Procedures for Obtaining a Document Number


For all controlled documents, the DC generates the unique number using the documentation identification number format below. The DC references the Master List of Controlled Documents to verify that the number is unique. The DC updates the Master List of Controlled Documents with the document ID Number, issue number, document title, author(s), and date. The DC notifies the author of the document number and updates the Master List of Controlled Documents.


Document No: A-BBB-CC-DDD-XX.Y


A is the Area identifier code. Such as Operations, Quality, etc.


BBB indicates the sequence number in that area.


CC indicates the type of document it is. The following types are reserved as follows:

AR = Architecture

BC = Business Case

CS = Customer Specification

DD = Detailed Design

DE = Development

FD = Feature Design

GL = Guidelines

GN = General

HD = High Level Design

PP = Project Plan

QM = Quality Manual

RQ = Requirements

TD = Test Documentation

TP = Templates

WI = Work Instruction

ML = Manual

ME = Metrics

PO = Policy

PC = Procedure

PS = Process

DDD indicates the product release number. For development documents the field represents the product release number. For quality system documents this is a fixed value of "000".


Issue XX.Y indicates the issue number. The issue number is the revision level of the document. The XX indicates major changes to the document. Incrementing the Y indicates minor changes to the document.



5.1.2 Procedures for Submitting a Document to DC

1. The author prepares the document or a revision to the document following the processes and procedures employed with the document type.

2. If it is a new document, the author obtains a document control number. When obtaining a document number, the author must provide the following information.

3. The author prints the hard copy document 8-1/2" x 11" paper, bearing the proper confidentiality legend on the Document Cover Page and in the footer.

4. The document "owner" obtains the appropriate approval signatures on the Document Signature page. When signed, the original is submitted to the librarian for control and distribution.

5. An initial distribution list is included if the "owner" wants the DC to make a distribution of the document.

5.1.3 Third Party Signatures

Occasionally controlled documents (i.e. External Interface Agreement) require signatures from persons outside Integrated Solutions. When this occurs, the following steps are taken:

5.1.4 Confidentiality Legends on Development Documents

Development documentation is considered the intellectual property of Integrated Solutions and is to be handled as Confidential Material. The proper legend for confidential material is: Integrated Solutions Confidential. If, in the opinion of the cross-functional team, management approval is required before copies can be delivered outside Integrated Solutions, the legend is: - Integrated Solutions Confidential - Restricted Distribution. Through this legend, the librarian knows to obtain management approval from the first level of approving management on the document Signature Page before distributing the document outside Integrated Solutions.



5.1.5 Documentation Distribution

The norm will be electronic distribution. The DC person will control the approved copies on the WEB. A distribution sheet is to accompany the document if the DC is to distribute the document. With receipt of the approved document, fully signed Cover Page, and the distribution list, DC will send the document to the Copy Center for replication. Distribution will occur as rapidly as possible within the resource constraints of the Copy Center and DC. (It should be kept in mind that it may take up to two days before the copies are available for distribution.)

5.2 Quality Documentation

There are 6 types of Quality Documents: Processes, Procedures, Forms, Guides, Plans, Manuals and Local Practices.


5.2.1 Globally Maintained Documents

Processes, Procedures and Forms are maintained within the Quality Documentation system by the Documentation Coordinator. The CEO’s signature is required on all processes and procedures controlled within the quality system. Other required approval signatures for a document are determined by the span or reach of the process or procedure. All organizations which must input to or will receive output from a process or procedure approve the document or any revision to the document.

5.2.2 Locally Maintained Documents

Local Practices, Guides, and Manuals are functionally area or employee specific by nature. These local documents are not part of the Globally Maintained Quality Documentation System. They require the appropriate management signature, page numbers, a date, and a revision level. Such local documents are maintained and controlled within the functional area where they apply by either the employee or the area secretary.

5.2.3 Procedures for Submitting a Quality Document for Control

1. The author prepares the document or a revision to the document.

2. If a new document, the author obtains a unique document number from the Documentation Coordinator.

3. The author prints the hard copy document 8-1/2" x 11" paper, bearing the proper confidentiality legend in the footer.

4. The document "owner" obtains the appropriate approval signatures on the Document Signature page. When signed, the original is submitted to the Documentation Coordinator for control and distribution. Both hard copy and electronic copy must be submitted.

5.2.4 Revisions/Changes in Quality Documentation

A revision of a quality document occurs when the author makes a content change to the existing document. This includes additions, deletions, and any change in wording that alters the original intent or meaning of the document. All changes are duly noted on the change page. When changed, the new document is raised one revision level. Editorial and typographical error corrections do not constitute a revision.



The author of a quality document is the only person who can submit a revision to the Documentation Coordinator. The authors are responsible for reviewing and maintaining their processes and procedures. Processes and procedures must be reviewed on an annual basis. The author can denote review approval in writing or via e-mail to the Documentation Coordinator if no revision is necessary.


Employees may recommended changes to specific processes or procedures by notifying the author of said document. The employee and the author negotiate changes. The author is responsible for having the changes incorporated into the document.

6.0 Documentation Control

6.1 Development Document Control

Documentation is controlled by numerous organizations. Upon approval, all Integrated Solutions development-related documents are released to, retained within and distributed by Integrated Solutions Document Control (DC). This includes those documents called for under Integrated Solutions adopted processes/procedures that direct or affect the course or content of Integrated Solutions development activities and programs. Since not all the documents of these types are placed under DC it is necessary to refer to the process or procedure which defines each type of document in order to determine whether DC is required.

6.2 Quality Documentation System

All Quality Documents, (except local practices, guides, and manuals) are maintained in the Quality Documentation System, administered by the Documentation Coordinator for all of OneOS Broadband Software. This includes processes, procedures, forms, and the Quality Manual.


There are two controlled copies of the quality documentation located as follows:


· The Document Coordinator’s Office (hard copy)



Integrated Solutions employees are able to make uncontrolled copies of quality documents (through photocopying or printing from the WEB). However, when using a document the employee must check a controlled source to ensure that they are using the most current revision level.

6.3 Externally Generated Documents

Externally generated documents, such as supplier and customer documents are maintained within the applicable department (e.g., information about a third party software contractor would be maintained by the Engineering personnel who interfaces with the contractor). Other externally generated documents—such as specific Integrated Solutions Policies—are also maintained within the applicable organization (For example, the Integrated Solutions. Corporate Financial and Accounting Policies Manual is maintained within Finance). In the case of corporate documents, the area which maintains these documents must take steps to ensure that Integrated Solutions has the latest revision of a document. In many cases, this is done by making certain that employees within Integrated Solutions are on corporate distribution lists for document updates.

6.4 Control of Miscellaneous Administrative Documents

Departmental management controls and distributes miscellaneous administrative documents such as organization charts, indexes and job descriptions. The Organization Charts Procedure exists to ensure that Integrated Solutions organization charts are kept up-to-date.

7.0 Revision (Issue) Control

7.1 documents in review

Clearly label all documents destined for revision control as a DRAFT when being circulated for review prior to approval. As multiple review cycles are possible, it is recommended that each review draft be differentiated by the date.

7.2 Revision level Controlled Documentation

The approved initial version of a revision level controlled document is "Issue 1.0". Each subsequent minor approved version becomes "Issue 1.1", Issue 1.2", etc. Major updates will go to "Issue 2.0, Issue 3.0", etc.

7.3 Date Controlled Documentation

Clearly indicate the date of publication on any date controlled document. Most externally generated and miscellaneous documents use this method of revision control.

8.0 obsolete documentation

Integrated Solutions documentation becomes obsolete when the next revision level of a document is approved and entered into the controlled environment. An exception occurs when there is work in progress in accordance with a prior revision level.

8.1 Obsolete Development Documentation

Development documentation is maintained as long as the product is supported. A development document is obsolete six months after final discontinuation notice for the product has been issued provided:

· any and all documents which refer to it are obsolete.

· corporate policy or individual contract does not call for continued support for the product for a longer period of time.

· a poll (e-mail) has been made to determine that the above is true.



All document revisions will be maintained in an accessible location. The most current revision is the only active document, however, the original document and all subsequent revisions will be retained for historical purposes.


The status of a document may be active, inactive, obsolete, or deleted. Document numbers may be active, inactive, obsolete, deleted, available or abandoned.


8.2 Obsolete Quality Documentation

Quality documents become obsolete when any of the following situations occur:

- a new revision level of the same document is approved.

- the document no longer applies to current business practices.

- the document is incorporated into another document.


The controlled hard copies of obsolete documents are destroyed and the electronic copy is archived. The archive directory is maintained by the Documentation Coordinator and is accessible to all employees for work in progress and historical purposes. Obsolete electronic archived documents are deleted when it is determined that the documentation has no remaining historical value, with a minimum archive of 2 years.


8.3 Obsolete Administrative Documentation

Integrated Solutions documentation must be maintained for a minimum period of time to ensure that sufficient documentation is available to satisfy customer, development, Corporate and contractual requirements.

8.4 Document Disposal

All obsolete documents are put into document retention for a period of three years. If, after three years, they have not been accessed, they are deleted.


Documents relating to products which have patent or copyright implications are retained for the length of time prescribed by our intellectual properties policies and procedures issued by corporate legal department.


Confidential information will be shredded. Non-confidential information can be disposed of in normal manner. Appendix A - Document Matrix










Marketing Requirements

Market Requirements Document



Architecture Requirements

Architecture Requirements Specification



Quality Plan

PM, QM, President



Performance Plan



Product Definition

Product Description




Functional Descriptions



Integrated Program Planning

Business Plan



Project Plans



Code & Unit/Feature Test

Software Feature Test Reports



Interface Specification

Software Internal Interface Specification



Software External Interface Specification

TM, DEV, SE, Customer

Customer, President

Integration Planning

Integration Test Specifications



Integration & Test

Integration Test Results



Deployment Planning & Implementation

Deployment Plan



Implementation Guide



Site Plan



Product Introduction Planning & Implementation

Product Introduction Plan






TM - Technical Manager

PS - Project Specialist

SE - System Engineer

DE - Developer

TE - Tester

IMP - Implementation Support

TS - Technical Support