Prepared By:



Lead Author, Integrated Solutions Date







Approved By & Effective on Date of Signature Below:



Yufen Chang Yu, Integrated Solutions Date
















































Title: Integrated Solutions Backup / Restore Procedure










  • Original Issue














































Integrated Solutions will provide Backup and Restore Support for its customers. They will follow the Procedure defined in this document. Deviations in this procedure will be noted and the procedure will be updated as necessary.





The purpose of this policy is to:






3.1 New Server / Client Install


    1. Severs (according to Alexandria Software) are the machines to which the library is directly connected. Any other machines that are backed up in the library are considered as clients
    2. Once the library is in place, you must then select a device file for each of the drives within the library according to its SCSI id (this is one of the questions within the installation process)
    3. Manually load the latest version of the Alexandria tape into an open drive through the ‘move tapes’ window
    4. Make a user and a group named ‘alexbkup’. Create a directory called / alexbkup / bits. You will also need a lot of temp space available. It is suggested that you use a directory such as / alexbkup / tmp so that you may keep this entire filesystem independent of other processes and activities. (The temp space cannot be disturbed once alex is in a process)
    5. cd into / alexnkup / bits and perform the following:

      tar xvf, <device file>
      where <device file> coincides wioth the tape drive that the software tape is in
    6. Then run ./Install and answer the questions according to the Alexandria manual (usually kept by the DBA)
    7. If this is a client, you must then run ClientHD. If this is a server, you must fun SetupHD to set up the hardware









3.2 Store Procedure (creating and editing)


    1. Alexandria must be installed within the server before you can run the backup software (See New Server / Client Startup document)
    2. You must be root or alexbkup to run Alexandria commands
    3. First the Alexandria daemons must be running. Check this, and if they are not, the command to get them running is ‘alex - install - s ‘
    4. To start the GUI, simply type ‘ xalex ‘ (or ‘ xalex& ‘ to run to run in the background)
    5. Alexandria automates the store procedure by using opcards. To create a new opcard, use the Operation / Store menu and click on Create and give the opcard a name
    6. As a default, Alexandria will back the entire system up starting from the root. To modify this, highlight the opcard, and click on edit. On the next screen, click on Include / Exclude and using UNIX regular expressions (consult your UNIX manuals) you can specify what files and directories to include or leave out of our stores. Under the Options button, you will find a checkbox that will allow / disallow your stores to follow symbolic links. (As a rule of thumb, leave out core files, and temp directories)
    7. There are two types of stores; full and incremental. A full backup stores every file specified from item #6. The incremental backup stores only the files that have been touched since the previous store for that file. On the left section are the full backup options, and the right section has the options for incrementals
    8. Once you have specified what to backup, then you must specify when. You can click on ADD button to add a new time schedule and then select weekly, daily, specific, etc. Do the same for both incrementals and fulls (note: the Now Option is how a store could be launched immediately)
    9. Now you must set your data retention times. Consult your Alexandria manual for a full description of the three settings and how they should be set
    10. Click Apply then Done for your changes to take effect. Lastly, to start an opcard performing its tasks, you must highlight and click on Manage

















3.3 Restore Procedure


    1. First determine what system the actual file was backed up on. this is the system that the GUI needs to be launched from.
    2. Next determine the date of the file that needs to be restored. Note that you may need to go a few days back to find a file, since the incremental backups (INCR) only backup the files that had been modified since the last write to tape
    3. To launch GUI, you must be the root on the system. Launch the command; Xalex (the X must be capitalized)
    4. From the OPTIONS menu, choose DETAILED SEARCH AND RESTORE
    5. On the right hand side of the screen is the SELECTED OPCARD window. Click the ADD button within and select the appropriate date and restore tape to search in. Then click the SEARCH button along the bottom of the screen
    6. The next screen is informational only. Click SEARCH THESE RESULTS to continue (NOTE: If the only real information listed here is the stack ID, this means that the detailed information had expired from the database. A detailed rescan of the appropriate media must be performed -- see section on rescanning detailed information)
    7. From this next screen, you can select what files or directories you wish to restore. After the selection, click on RESTORE to continue. (NOTE: If the tape that is needed has already gone to vault, a screen will appear here to tell you what tape should be retrieved and placed back into the library -- see section on restoring vaulted files)
    8. On the next screen, you may just click RESTORE to restore into the exact place from which it came. Otherwise, you may enter a directory in which to restore the files. Then press RESTORE
    9. After launching the restore, you should notice on the main GUI that the ACTIVE RESTORES box was increased by one (usually at 0)


3.3.1 Restoring Vaulted Files


    1. The vault should be located off - site. The only person who should know exactly what the status of a vault is would be the DBA
    2. Take down the information on the screen telling you what tapes must be retrieved. Contact the DBA for the server and resend that information so that he can locate the tape from the appropriate place
    3. Once the tape has been retrieved, it must then be placed in an open slot within the library. Only then can the restore be completed






3.1.2 Rescanning Detailed Information


    1. First you must identify what media needs to be rescanned. Once that is done, call the DBA in charge of the vault and tell him the media ID so the appropriate media can be retrieved
    2. Place the acquired media within empty slots in the library (There could be more than one tape to be rescanned)
    3. From the main GUI, select ADMINISTRATION and MEDIA MANAGEMENT. Find the media that was just inserted, and highlight it. From the OPTION menu, select DETAIL RESCAN
    4. After this is performed, you may now go back and restore the file as you did before