Browse Web in Chinese under X-Window

General Requirement
  • Netscape 2.X
  • Chinese fonts

  • Get, unpack, and install Netscape2.x for your platform.
  • Get, uncompress, and install taipei*.bdf chinese fonts.
  • Make set font dir by typing "mkfontdir ." in the directory where you put those chinese fonts. Then add this new font directory into your font path by typing "xset fp+ /the/location/of/chinese/fonts". You can check whether the font is installed successfully or not by typing " xlsfonts | grep big5 "
  • Add following lines into the fonts.alias (you may need to created) file:
    -taipei-ming16-medium-r-normal-*-16-160-*-*-*-*-big5-0 taipei16
    -taipei-ming-medium-r-normal-*-24-240-*-*-*-*-big5-0 taipei24
    -taipei-kai-medium-r-normal-*-24-240-*-*-*-*-big5-0 taipei24k
    -taipei-li-medium-r-normal-*-24-240-*-*-*-*-big5-0 taipeil24
  • Setup your Netscape by first Select "Options/General.../Fonts" and Set "For the Encoding" as "Taiwanese (x-x-big5)". Then set "Use the Proportional Font" as "Li(Taipei)" and size should be "24.0". Set "Use the Fixed Font" same as proportional font. Finally, set "Options -> Language Encoding" as "Chinese (Big5)"

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